Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School Parent Involvement Policy
A major goal of Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School is to encourage a high degree of involvement of parents in the education of their students and build an effective home-school partnership.
We encourage parent involvement in school decisions, accountability and advocacy through the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and participation in our Title 1 Program. Through participation in our PTO and other committees as created, parents also have the opportunity to be involved in the development and
implementation of our parent involvement policy and school improvement plan as well as assist school staff and other parents in working collaboratively to implement and coordinate parent programs and ties between school and parents. To the extent feasible and appropriate, we will integrate parent involvement programs and activities with other school and district programs as well as conduct other activities such as parent resource centers that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their students. We will, with the assistance of our parents, educate our staff in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools. A review of the school Parent Involvement Policy will occur in the school library.
● Monday, October 2, 2:15pm (part of SPP Agenda)
● Tuesday, October 17, 7:30 AM (part of SPP Agenda)
● Monday, December 18, 7:30 AM (part of SPP Agenda)
Parents are surveyed during the year to elicit opinions, concerns, and suggestions for improvement and topics for meetings that meet the needs of parents. Suggestions and recommendations from parents are incorporated into the parent involvement policy and school improvement plan as feasible.
Parents are informed of PTO meetings, School performance Plan (SPP) meetings, and related meetings and parent involvement workshops through classroom and school newsletters, email notices, use of the autodialer and postings on our site website. We also utilize our marquee as a method of communicating upcoming family events and meetings. Our school takes appropriate action to ensure that information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, is sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.
The District Parent Involvement Policy (BP 226) and the school Student Code of Conduct (student handbook, Student Code of Honor, and District Education Involvement Accord) which outlines how parents, students, and school staff share the responsibility for improving learning is distributed to families at the beginning of the school year or upon registration. Additional materials and training will be provided throughout the year to parents to help them work to improve their student’s academic achievement and to use technology as appropriate to foster parental involvement. Parents have taken the opportunities afforded them to learn how to work with their child in completing reading homework. Strategies have been
taught to parents to help children build fluency and comprehension skills.
The school holds a minimum of one scheduled parent conference each year where the student’s academic progress is discussed as well as expectations for the grade level, school curriculum and standards, assessment information including alternative assessments as appropriate, participation in school programs
including Title I, how to work collaboratively with educators, and other concerns a parent may have.
Students will receive competency report cards each trimester as a means to inform parents of academic achievement.
Reviewed/Revised January 22, 2024
Parent Involvement Policy Checklist